Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Scam Watch?

Here we have a card I need for a set that I'm working on. This is a Griff Jr. from the 2006 UD Artifacts Auto-Facts set. Something is fishy here. Check out the auto. Notice the lil' UD logo's on the sticker. Another thing to note is the way the sticker covers Griff's arm.

OK. Now look at this beautiful Jeter that I recently acquired from eBay. You'll notice that the sticker has no logo's on it. The sticker has the marbled look of other cards from the set ( seen here and here. ) Also, Jeter's arm covers the sticker here.
After a couple of years of reading Sportscards Uncensored and I Am Joe Collector, I have a much more discriminating eye when it comes to what plunk my cabbage down on. Those guys should be commended for what they do.

What do you all think? Is this auction worthy of "SCAM-WATCH" status?


  1. You're right, something looks off. It's not the right kind of sticker. Why would someone take a Griffey sticker auto off one card and out it onto another Griffey sticker auto card though?
